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Charter of the SGRC


The Student Grievance Resolution Cell of the JGLS Student Council has been founded by the JGLS Student Council 2014-15 under the provisions of the JGLS Student Council Constitution. 


Part V, Section 10 (vii) of the JGLS Student Council Constitution states that the Vice President of the JGLS Student Council shall:


“Chair the JGLS Students Grievances Resolution Cell, aided by other members of the Student Council and develop and implement procedures to conduct its affairs, ensuring that the grievances of members of the Student Body are received and addressed in a prompt and effective and confidential manner;”


In keeping with the above, the Vice President of the Student Council shall act as the de-facto member and head of each committee formed under the SGRC. The Secretaries that will be elected by the members of each Committee from among themselves shall help the VP in performing the functions and duties of the respective Committee.


The members of the SGRC shall be people willing to work for the betterment of student life on campus. They shall be expected to adhere to a Code of Conduct that will be shared with them upon selection.


Since this is the first SGRC formed, its members shall be expected to work towards the institutionalization of this structure so that it lasts through the years.





The SGRC will be made up of the following committees.


The description of each committee below is provisional. The membership of the committees may be altered by the JGLS Student Council at their own discretion. At the beginning of their term, each Committee brainstormed to outline their job scope and Code of Conduct. This can be found among the uploaded minutes of each Committee.


1. Food and Mess Committee


  • Membership: Total 5 members with representation from each program at JGLS. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The members of the FMC shall work towards the improvement of the food and mess services provided on campus. Such improvement shall be achieved by conducting surveys about food services offered and collate the results of such survey, inspection of the cooking areas of each food outlet to ensure hygiene following laid down procedure, coordinating with other Committees of the SGRC as and when required, or any other functions/duties set out for the Committee.


2. Security Committee 


  • Membership: Total 3 members with representation from each program at JGLS. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The members of the SecCom shall conduct surveys regarding any concerns that students may have with regard to security practices at JGU, formulate suggestions/policies for security practices at JGU, ensure that students do not breach security measures on campus, coordinating with other Committees – such as the HCom or DisCo, of the SGRC as and when required, or any other functions/duties set out for the Committee.


3. Housing Committee 


  • Membership: 6 members with a representative from each housing block. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration. The break up is as follows:

    • SH1 – 1 representative

    • SH2 – 1 representative

    • SH3 – 1 representative

    • SH4 – 1 representative

    • Super Block – 1 representative

    • Old Housing (Men) – 1 representative

    • Old Housing (Women) – 1 representative

  • Functions: The members of the HCom shall be responsible for the housing issues of their own respective block and shall co-ordinate with U-Hall. They shall conduct regular surveys and collate their results, follow up and ensure that problems are resolved by the concerned Department, formulate suggestions/policies for block affairs, coordinating with other Committees of the SGRC as and when required, or perform any other duties/functions set out for the Committee. The HCom shall also be responsible for inculcating a sense of community within each housing block by organizing a monthly get-together with the Wardens for all students. The SC will ensure free food (YAY!) at these get-togethers.


4. IT Committee 


  • Membership: Total 3 members. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The IT Committee shall work with the IT Department in JGU to ensure the smooth functioning of the IT infrastructure in college. They shall conduct regular surveys with regard to any IT issues that may be faced by the students and ensure that these issues are addressed in a timely manner by the IT department. They shall make suggestions with regard to policy matters to the IT Department, ensure compliance of students with regard to the IT Policy of the JGU, and perform any such functions/duties that are set out for them. The IT Committee shall also work on a SC and SGRC Online Portal.


5. Infrastructure Committee 


  • Membership: Total 3 members. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The InfraCom shall work with the Infrastructure Department and any other Committees of the SGRC or the CRs, as may be required to ensure the resolution of problems related to ACs, classroom facilities, water provisions, etc. in a timely manner. They shall work closely with FMO and shall perform any such functions/duties that are set out for them.


6. Drafting Committee


  • Membership: Total 5. There will be no Secretary for this Committee. It will be headed directly by the Vice President of the Student Council. 

  • Tenure: The DCom is a temporary committee set up by the SC, the tenure of which can be extended by the SC in consultation with the members of the DCom.

  • Functions: Considering the fact that there is a need for several policies to be drafted and proposed to the administration with regard to security, disciplinary action, powers of the wardens, IT matters, etc., this Committee shall help the Student Council, and other Committees of the SGRC, to debate and formulate policies. The members of the DCom shall also assist the SC to draft a Charter for the SGRC and each Committee under the SGRC.


7. Disciplinary Committee 


  • Membership: 5 members. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The members of the DisCo shall attend and keep a record of all DC hearings, help the SC to mitigate violations of the Student Code of Conduct in various ways, formulate suggestions and policies with regard to disciplinary action, work closely with members of the SecCom and HCom, and perform any other functions/duties as set out for them.


8. Transport Committee


  • Membership: 2 members.

  • Functions: The members of the TransCom shall work in co-ordination with the Transport Department to streamline policies with regard to the newly instituted Shuttle Bus Service, maintain a list of cab drivers and track the appropriate fare to be charged for the information of the student body, help the SC and various societies with their transport requirements, and perform any such duties/functions as may be set out for them.


9. Events Committee 


  • Membership: 5 members with representation from each program at JGLS. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The members of the ECom shall work closely with both the VP and Cultural Secretary of the Student Council for the organization and management of any social or academic events on campus, including but not limited to socials, parties, open houses and convocations. They shall perform any such duties/functions set out for them.


10. Health Centre Support Committee 


  • Membership: 3 members with representation from each program in JGLS. Once the members are selected, they will elect a Secretary for the Committee from among themselves. The Secretary, along with the VP, shall be the official representative of this Committee to the administration.

  • Functions: The members of the HCSCom shall conduct surveys, collate results and ensure that problems that students may face with regard to Health Services on campus are resolved in a timely fashion, they shall maintain a feedback portal on the SGRC Portal for the Health Centre, formulate suggestions and policies for the betterment of health services, and perform any other duties/functions set out for them. 




The JGLS Student Council may make amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business. Every amendment shall have to be passed by a majority vote by the core members of the JGLS Student Council. 


General Body Meeting

  • The SGRC shall have a General Body meeting every second month.

  • This meeting shall be presided over by the President and the Vice President of the JGLS Student Council.

  • The quorum for this meeting shall be the presence of 2/3rd members of each Committee of the SGRC.

  • The presence of the Secretary of each Committee is mandatory.

  • The General Secretary of the Student Council shall take minutes of the General Body meeting of the SGRC.

  • These minutes shall be circulated among the members of the SGRC by email within a week.

  • The minutes shall also be promptly uploaded on the Online Portal of the JGLS Student Council by the General Secretary.  


Committee Rules

  • Each Committee of the SGRC shall be guided by the Rules of Procedure and Confuct of Business laid down by the first SGRC of JGLS. Amendments to these Rules may be brought by a majority vote by the members of the Committee concerned. All amendments brought shall be passed by a majority vote by the core members of the JGLS Student Council. 

  • The Secratary of each Committee of the SGRC shall report to the Vice President of the JGLS Student Council.

  • The minutes of every meeting of the various committees of the SGRC shall be circulated among the members of the concerned committee and the core members of the JGLS Student Council by email within a week.

  • The minutes shall also be promptly uploaded onto the Online Portal of the JGLS Student Council by the General Secretary. 



  • The tenure of committee members of the SGRC may be terminated by the core JGLS Student Council by a majority vote for any of the below reasons:

                         - non-adherance to Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business

                         - conviction by the JGLS Disciplinary Committee for a serious breach of the JGLS Student                                Code of Conduct

                         - any reason deemed appropriate for termination of tenure by the core JGLS Student                                          Council. 

Website of the JGLS Student Council,

Made by Punkhuri Chawla, Vice President,

JGLS Student Council 2014-15.


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